There comes a time in every critic’s life where they must choose their head over their heart. The facts and the films must both be weighed up logically and the critic must decide using their intelligence and the films that make her weep for joy. I had already demonstrated this on my own website where I picked Life of Brian over The Holy Grail. But this decision is damn near killing me. You see The Silence of the Lambs has been my favourite film since I was about 13 and I can quote the whole movie word for word. If you wanted, right now, I could do the Hannibal Lector Monologue. Even if you didn’t want to, I’d still do it. Usually, I’d argue why Anthony Hopkins is better than Brian Cox with an air of obnoxiousness. But after re-watching both films, I have to concede and it is with the heaviest of hearts that I must say; Manhunter is a better movie. Sigh.