I never thought this day would come… Ratchet and Clank is coming to the cinema. So why am I so worried about it? For those of you who don’t know Ratchet and Clank, let me give you a bit of backstory. Ratchet is a Lombax (the last of his kind, but we’ll get to that later) living on the planet Veldin. Clank is a small robot with a high IQ who was created initially, one is led to believe, by accident before later discovering he is to be senior caretaker to the Great Clock in the Exact Centre of the Universe (give or take fifty feet). The duo first met when Clank uncovers a plot to destroy hundreds of planets so a new one can be built. He attempt to enlist the help of Captain Qwark (a notable celebrity) to stop this, but crash lands on Veldin and meets Ratchet who agrees to help him. The two eventually find Qwark who betrays them and leaves them for dead. They survive and eventually find and defeat the big baddie, living a semi-famous life afterwards.