From Grave Encounters to close encounters, the Vicious Brothers’ new film Extraterrestrial will be released on 29th October, just in time for Halloween. But is it scary? Does it measure up to the immeasurable Grave Encounters? I went along to the preview screening and Q&A with the writer/directors, the Vicious Brothers (Stuart Ortiz & Colin Minnihan), to find out for myself.
Opening with a condom-shaped constellation and a totally unnecessary ass-shot, the film gives the immediate sense of being tongue-in-cheek and a bit fun. Anyone who has seen the previous work of the Vicious Brothers will be preparing themselves at this stage, and trying not to get too comfortable with the comedy for fear of what comes next. However, as the story progressed and the lead characters were introduced, it was like I was watching a parody that was going on too long. I was waiting for a punchline and it just wasn’t coming