There is no shortage of disaster films in cinematic history, and the use of found footage has become very popular in recent years following films Paranormal Activity and Chronicle. Put them together and we might just have the most predictable mess of the year. But even if that is the fate of this film, this new clip is actually pretty exciting.
A group of people record an incoming tornado on their cameras, before it gets too close and they flee for their lives. A man and his son crash their son, and they attempt to make it to safety inside of the building where the others are taking shelter. However, Callies’ character finds herself hanging on for dear life as the tornado comes closer, and Armitage does all he can to help her before it’s too late.
It’s a damn good clip, but it’s certainly not a promise. How many disaster films have there been with this kind of scene? Nearly all of them I’d say, and it’s been a long time since the last good disaster movie. Will this be a redemption for the genre or is its fate inevitable?
Into the Storm is out August 8th.