You’ve done quite a lot in your time in Los Santos and the surrounding Blaine County. You’ve thwarted and committed various muggings, murders and robberies.
You’ve purchased vehicle upon vehicle and you’ve got as much ammo as you can carry for every weapon.

Now, I’m a massive fan of this game. Hell, pretty much anything Rockstar makes these days is a bonafide masterpiece, and the most recent installment of Grand Theft Auto is no different. The story is rich as are the three playable characters. And of course there’s much fun to be had in the ginormous game world. But sometimes it can get a tad… Boring. I know, I know, with so much to do how could you possibly be bored? But come on, you can admit it to me. Every now and again you wonder where the excitement is. Where’s the tense fun of a firefight that you might not win? That went out the window when you bought a mini-gun with 10,000 bullets (or 9,999 because hey, let’s kick people with OCD right in the head.) Where’s the ridiculously fast car chases that go on for ages? Well, those disappeared after you bought that blue-white Adder.
I call it ‘Fugitive Mode.’
The reason Grand Theft Auto V can become so horribly boring is due to the fact that everything’s just so goddamn easy. The guns that you buy can never be permanently lost so any firefight becomes an automatic bloodbath. And did you know that there are actual guns, like pistols, scattered around Los Santos? I didn’t. But in this mode you’re going to need it.
Basically, the first thing you’re going to want to do is get arrested. Yes, that can happen, but you may not have already known that as any police officer who tried came face to face with 20 minigun bullets. When you exit the prison, your anus slightly larger in diameter than before you arrived, you will have absolutely no ammo.

If you are me, you will rejoice. What this means is that the glorious, game-making thing known as “difficulty” comes right back. So, you’ve just pointlessly murdered a man on the street? Well, now the police are going to be hunting you down with a passion. And guess what? You’ve got nothing to fight them with except your fists or any other melee weapon you may have found. So that means, in order to survive, you’re going to need to head to one of the many weapon locations (that you’re going to have to head to the Interwebs to learn the locations of, or explore) and find precious ammo for your weapons, or you’re going to have to floor one of them and take out his buddy before he can cram five bullets into your chest. The brilliance of this is that all of those awesome things you’ve seen in an action movie, where the hero disarms someone and uses that gun to take out the other guy can and does happen often. If you want to have the true Fugitive experience, periodically use the ‘Raise Wanted Level’ cheat when the going gets a little bit slow for your tastes.
You can even try this with a friend on GTA Online; simply drop your ammo (or your entire weapon if you feel so inclined) and take on the police. This means that you’re going to have to work together a lot more if you want to stay alive. (WARNING: Your ammo WILL disappear, so only try this if you’ve got a tonne of money, because you’re going to have to re-buy all that ammo, or the entire gun if you dropped it.)
Doing this makes the whole game feel more cinematic and intense. It’s one of the reason why The Last of Us won Best Game at the BAFTAs, so why shouldn’t you be able to incorporate it into GTA V? You’ll be using your skills and your wits to survive in Los Santos, rather than a sea of bullets and countless explosions.