Some say Volition have come along way from the lowly street developer they once were. Some say that instead of living in the shadow of Grand Theft Auto, they transformed the world of Saints Row into something unique and truly beautiful. Those of you who can proudly count yourselves as Saints will know that next month sees the rerelease of last year's epic, climactic chapter of the series which changed all the rules.
Ever since the release of 2011's Saints Row the Third, Volition have become notorious for severely upping-the-ante from the previous game, which was illustrated later in the 2013 release of Saints Row IV (which introduced aliens, virtual realities and even time travel into the continuity).
Gat Out of Hell takes place after Saints Row IV, and sees The Boss kidnapped by Satan and carted off to Hell where he will be forced to marry the Dark Lord's daughter. Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington take issue with this, and so follow The Boss into the seven circles and find and bring him back before the ceremony gets underway. The game takes place in New Hades, an entirely new setting, and features the return of old faces (such as Dane Vogel from Saints Row 2) as well as introducing new characters and enemies (such as the fearsome Blackbeard). The game also features lively musical segments.
The game is developed by both Volition and High Voltage Software, and will release on the 23rd January 2015. The marketing campaign has started as of today, with a new video teasing a Top Gear/Saints Row crossover, starring a familiar helmeted figure in white, as well as one of the newest Saints Row vehicle/weapons, the incredibly sublime 'Armchairmageddon.'
Check out the teaser below!
'I was twelve hours into Dead Island when the Zin attacked.'

Are you as excited about the latest installment in the Saints Row universe? Let us know in the comments below!