The Last of Us, created by the always amazing Naughty Dog team was released last year, the supposed end of the world (get it, cos it’s a game about the apocalypse?) Now most of you reading this who are proud, respectable owners of a Playstation 3 have probably already played this game (and if you haven’t I highly recommend it.) But one thing you may not have tried is the somewhat overlooked…survivor difficulty.
And that’s where survivor difficulty comes in. Oh you remember how your basic pistol holds seven shots? It’s six now. And you remember how in that beginning bit after you fight the runners there’s a little hidden ammo box in that side room? Guess again. As each difficulty level progresses you find less and less resources and ammo, but this effect is gradual, until of course you hit this setting, where the game pretty much flips you the bird and decides that practically all of its items are too good for your greedy little hands. The only sure fire way of finding anything is using a precious shiv to unlock a door.