One of the most anticipated games of 2014 was recently put into beta over valentine’s weekend to help all us lonely people focus on something other than being single and having no one to love us… myself included. Yes, I’m talking about Titanfall.
First thing necessary to do, after downloading and installing, was the training section of the beta which while nothing too fascinating allows you to realise that it’s not just another FPS like your Call of Duty or Battlefield by the simple fact of how important manoeuvrability and agility can be.
Having six to each team also works well for the titans, the maps (at least the ones available) are of a somewhat modest size so having at most 12 titans at any given time feels right. While on the subject of the titans… I don’t know what to say other than they’re giant robots with an array of weaponry that just make them awesome.
They manoeuvre really well despite having that kind of clunky movement. It works because they’re huge robots but I honestly can’t think of what I’d like to see changed for the actual release. There’s something of an epic feeling when you turn a corner to see an enemy titan and start blasting away while trying to dodge incoming attacks or using a force field to fling back any projectiles they’ve fired at you.
What’s most important though is that I find the game fun, which I can’t say for a lot of other online FPS… actually I don’t think I can mention one. I think that’s why this game is so great, it’s fun.
There are some things that need addressing such as the range on so called “short range” weapons seems to be the same as any other weapon, sniper rifle excluded, and the smart pistol. This is a gun which locks on to you regardless if the player has you down their sites and their bullets home in on you. If you use this gun you are not my friend and the worst kind of person.
Asides from minuscule issues I have with it I’m really looking forward to release in less than a month and spending my days and nights playing this game while my dissertation goes neglected.