Last week Telltale Games announced that the second series of their acclaimed The Walking Dead game would be arriving some time this autumn. With that in mind, we thought it was time to discuss what we’d like to see happen in the next series based on what happened in the first game. I’ll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but I can’t promise they won’t appear at all, so if you haven’t played the game yet, do that and then read this article. If you do it the other way around, you’re just ruining your experience of one of the BEST games from last year.
Talking of choices leads neatly to the second point; let the choices have their own set of possible consequences, they shouldn’t be a way to railroad the player to the next set piece. It was a real shame that, when played through a second time, the game didn’t really have many consequences. If you chose to save one secondary character over another at one point in the first episode, you received a different bit of dialogue during the second episode. But by the third episode, whichever character you chose to save died at the same point regardless of your choice.
Another thing I would like to happen would be to have the story address any major conflicts within the group. I can’t be the only one who remembers that, at the end of episode one Larry tried to murder Lee by leaving him for the zombies to get him. In the time between episodes one and two, this has been forgotten about by all characters and Larry was still incredibly hostile to everyone, especially Lee. This seems like it could have been an excellent plot point to cover, especially considering the options made possible later in the episode. Covering all conflicts could help make the game feel more as if the characters are arguing, and help develop bonds between certain factions, instead of just letting them fall by the wayside.
Finally. Regardless of what happens, let’s meet a whole new group of friendly (and not-so friendly) faces for us to bond with, before we inevitably lose them again as they sacrifice themselves for the group. This is almost a certainty a given, but it needs saying nonetheless.
The Walking Dead Game was absolutely brilliant, and certainly one of the best stories told last year. I’m fairly certain that whatever happens, the second series will turn out just as good - provided they can incorporate some of our choices from the first game into the next.