Everyone loves a good old-fashioned zombie shoot ‘em up, there’s just something so mechanical about it. See biter, aim at the head and shoot until that bastard falls down with brains spread all over the pavement, because Zombies can't live without their brains and that's just how we roll when it comes to dealing with the undead. Standard, yo.
Released for pretty much all platforms, including iOS and PS Vita, The Walking Dead game is a point and click adventure game that's a real breath of fresh air. It's a game that doesn't focus so much on the walker aspect of the plot, but more about developing the characters to such a point that you literally cry when anything happens to them. Not gonna lie, at some points I sobbed, sulked and had to come back to it later so I could have time to figure out what I wanted to do.
I downloaded the game on my iPhone, I hadn't heard of them before so when I saw the free app come up I was pretty skeptical to say the least. I'd never been a fan of games on iOS but after playing for 15 minutes, I was hooked and completed the first episode of the game in an hour or so.
After the police car driving him to Prison collides with a walker, he stumbles into the zombie-infested suburbs. Whilst trying to escape, he runs into the adorable eight-year-old Clementine, who is on her own hiding out whilst waiting for her parents to come home. The story follows Lee, Clem and a selection of interesting characters as they build relationships and try to survive as best they can with what they've got, which admittedly isn't much.
I love the way you can make your own decisions, which affect the way the whole game is going to turn out. Whoever survives and however you finish each section depends on what comes next. The game carries over the conclusion of the last episode and caters for how you completed it and what decisions you made in game. It’s your choice whether you turn Lee into a responsible surrogate father or a carefree jackass, but make sure you’re prepared for the consequences of either path.
The point and click aspect of the game might not appeal to some of you if you've never played anything like it before, but trust me, it's well worth a go. And if you can download the first episode for free, what have you got to loose? Talking game mechanics, I think the general movement around is a little but fiddly at times but that's can be ignored easily enough and that's my only complaint really.
After completion, I'm definitely looking forward to the second season to The Walking Dead by Telltale.
4.5 Stars, easy-peasy.