It was revealed early last year that Square Enix is at long last refilling the veins of the long dormant Legacy of Kain. The series itself has an extensive and complex overarching storyline which isn’t easy to follow, but let me try and quickly summarise it for the uninitiated. The series is set within the fictional fantasy setting of Nosgoth where the vampire Kain is chosen by divine forces as the ‘Scion of Balance’ and therefore the only person who can rid the land of its vast corruption. When Kain instead chooses to take over the world instead of purifying it, he forms an empire which – over millennia – contributes to immense corrosion of the landscape. Later, Kain regrets his decision and realises that the only way to undo Nosgoth’s fate is by travelling back in time to find a way to put things right without, preferably, sacrificing himself in the process. His odyssey leads him to create paradox after paradox, changing history as he does so, which then have their own negative effects on Nosgoth’s increasingly unstable timeline. Kain is pursued through time by Raziel, his former lieutenant, who believes that only Kain’s death will restore balance to the world.

(Check back this Friday for Part 2! - Ed)