Stargate is a franchise which has a lot of potential for a video game release and I'm not talking about a mobile video game here. That has already it been done several times. I've always thought that video games are so much more suited to be released on home consoles. Going off the history of Stargate video games as a whole it has become clear that the games I really looked forward to are the ones that didn't see the light of day, the titles that are designed for the home console.

As a starting point, I'm suggesting that the game could be a big open world MMO or it could be an open world RPG like Borderlands. An MMO game was for a long time in-development called Stargate Worlds, designed to be exclusive for the PC. But this was cancelled when its developer (Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment) went bankrupt in 2010. You could select a race to play from the different races that were available throughout the different series, I still remember them like watching the series yesterday: Humans, The Goa'uld, The Asgard, The Nox, The Tollan, The Tok'ra, The Replicators, The Ancients, The Ori, The Athosians, The Wraith, The Genii, etc... There were so many races throughout the different series run that it would be cool to select a race you want to be and then customise your character from the ground up, thereby adding a sense of personal attachment to the overall experience (much like in Star Wars: The Old Republic).
The video below showcases a fan-made Stargate-themed modification for Garry's Mod, a popular tool using the Source engine (made famous by Half-Life 2).
Training Ground
So this game mode in all essence could be a tutorial into how you play the game, it could be used to refine your skills as a player or it could allow you to unlock new arsenal for your character. There was a classic episode of Stargate SG-1 called 'Training Grounds'. In the episode new recruits were tested to see if they were Stargate Command material and went through a series of tests. All in all, this could be a mode to learn about new weapons you can train in or new vehicles to control.
Defend The Gate
A competitive game mode (PvP) but it could also be a wave-based mission (Player vs. Bot). My initial thoughts for this mode are if your going up against other players. One team defends the Stargate whilst the other fights for control of the gate. The easiest way to describe this, is think of Call Of Duty's 'Search and Destroy' mode. One team had a bomb and the other had to defend. Now for the second part of this game mode, if you go up against the A.I the main goal is to defend the Stargate from waves of enemies which you as a player could choose which bad guy to go up against, be that Goa'uld, Replicators, Ori, it's entirely up to you, however each bad guy has a different difficulty setting and a different style of amassing on the Stargate's location.
Another wave-based game mode that puts you in control of an iconic spaceship from the series or you could use your own acquired in game or customised, depending on the race you selected at the beginning. You must do everything in your power to protect a planet by stopping the enemy from reaching this planet before reinforcements arrive. A fine example of the gameplay mechanics would be those from Star Trek Legacy. All you did was fly a spaceship around and destroy enemies, protecting a target whilst investigating an area. I think it would be an awesome mode. I mean who doesn't like big epic space battles?
Race Death-Match
Essentially all this game mode is, is Team Death-Match, but instead of being placed on a team to try and win you join others who are part of your race to fight other races. There's not a lot more I could explain about this game mode because the rules are simple, earn points to help your race win.
Unlock the universe

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