Sony started off strong this year, Strong and Ambitious. Presenter Shawn Layden gave a strong opening speech about what was to come throughout the presentation, but nothing could have prepared anyone for the amazing announcements that were made or the gorgeous and ambitious games we saw.

What really got me was our look at Guerilla Games newest franchise, Horizon. The trailer was visually appealing, and the monologue left us in wonder of a new world shrouded by secrets of the Old Ones. It was refreshing to see a female protagonist, and as a girl who plays games its awesome to see my gender becoming more and more represented each year as more than just a damsel in distress. Horizon’s female protagonist was anything but distressed as you watched her take down giant mechanical animals and explain the fragile balance of the world she lives in. The game looks promising and you can never have too many kick ass females taking centre stage.
And since I’ve brought up rehashed things, lets talk about the new Call of Duty Black Ops III. While I know there are a lot of fans of the franchise it looked like the new Call of Duty had little to offer. The footage was pretty but beyond that it looked like the same old game. But what can you expect from a franchise that just sells the same game with a new title and new zombies to kill.

I was pleased to see a ton of games that push the limits of the imagination and the very definition of what video games really are. I am of course talking about Dreams, the new game from the creators of TearAway and Little Big Planet, Media Molecule. This ambitious game presses the imagination of creators around the world. Gone are the rules and the check lists and everything we know about video games. Dreams gives users the chance to craft their own world and make the video game what they dream it. The game boasts the ability to puppeteer and create at will. It promises users a chance to interact with one another and their dreams. All in all, from what I saw, the game looks ambitious and amazing.
Much like the Over hyper announcement at last years E3 about Destiny, a game that failed to deliver on content and overall enjoy-ability. This year came the announcement of The Taken King. The game looks promising and fun, but after the let down on the release of Destiny, I’m not holding my breath.

Sony made a few announcements about their new VR platform , giving us a little show of what the new VR will entail. Not as impressive as Microsoft presentation of its VR, but still cool nonetheless. They also talked a bit about new features coming to the PS4. They’ll be teaming up with Spotify in the launch of their background music feature. Also some more info on Playstation Vue, an Ala carte menu of Channels you can pick and choose to subscribe to, a service that I feel is on the forefront of what viewers want in this day and age.

… Anything else of note?
You remember when you were a kid and you experienced something so amazing that it stuck with you through adulthood, and you always held onto the dream that that love of yours would one day look just the way you imagined when you were young? A dream that you never thought would come true, that everyone doubted would happen? Well the dream is alive! Final Fantasy VII remaster, the ace up the sleeve for Sony. My facebook feed was suddenly filled with a collective gasping! It was something we all wanted and expected each year only to leave our computers with a sad feeling in our hearts. It happened this year, you guys, it's finally happening. The best part was the announcement that it would be coming first to Playstation 4, which gives us Xbone owners a bit of hope that it won’t be a PS exclusive. Then again if anything would make me buy a PS4 it would be this, or Final Fantasy XV, which sadly was understandably missing from E3 this year.
At last the promise has been made...

What are your highlights from the Sony conference? Let us know in the comments below!