Scramble! Scramble! The Steam Autumn Sale (or Spring Sale if you're in the antipodes) is on, from now until the 3rd of December (next Tuesday). So if you're a PC gamer, you best get on the Store and start spending. If ever there's a time to expand your games library, its now. I never buy PC games unless its during a Steam sale, and need I explain why? Games like Skyrim are a mere £3 right now. Three pounds.
On the other side of "Read more", Luke gives some pro tips on what to buy and when.
So, under the Daily Deals today (the 27th) we have:
Terraria - £1.49
The Walking Dead (all 5 episodes) - £5.24
The Walking Dead: 400 days - £1.99
Rogue Legacy - £4.07
Left 4 Dead 2 - £3.47
Sleeping Dogs - £3.99
Skyrim - £3.74
Flash Sales:
Hammer Watch - £2.37
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition - £6.24
Deals running throughout the autumn sale:
Divekick - £3.49
State of Decay - £10.04
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - £5.99
Risk of Rain - £5.59
Agarest: Generations of War - £8.99
Some titles that you should pick up if you don’t already own them:
Left 4 Dead 2: immense fun and is possibly the best game with zombies, at least for me, and at that
price it would be crazy to pass it up.
Skyrim: get it for the PC, regardless of whether you’ve played on a console or not. Considering the Legendary
Edition (includes all expansions) is only a tenner it’ll keep you busy for a long time, or rather to the point where you’re a shut-in and just the thought of natural light upsets you (I can attest to that - Jamie.)
The mods available for this game are also amazing.
Sleeping Dogs: I played it on the Xbox 360 before I got my new PC but I’m very tempted to buy it again to play on the PC. It’s a fun game with good aesthetics and more importantly it’s only £4; I’ve bought a pint for more than that!
The Walking Dead: Telltale’s most successful game and there’s a reason, it’s a bloody good game. With Season 2 coming out it’s certainly a good time to purchase, but for the love of everything in this world do not look up anything to do with Season 2 to avoid spoilers from Season 1.
There are some games on the list I’ll be purchasing myself, including; Antichamber, CS:GO, and Garry’s
Mod. I’m also rather interested in Nether, State of Decay and (as I mentioned before) Sleeping
All in all not a bad day for the first day of the sale, especially if you’re new to PC gaming. Boy are you in for a treat. I’m sure there’ll be more amazing sales so make sure you keep your eyes peeled on your monitor and at Steam.
Jamie here again. Before you leave us to delve into the sale, a quick but important tip: If you've got your eyes on something and it isn't a Daily Deal or a Flash Sale, don't get it just yet. Wait until the last day if you have to, because if you buy that game now for, let's say, £15, I can guarantee it'll be going for as low as £3 before you've finished installing it. Trust me, I had to experience that three times in the Summer Sale, and its not good.