Earlier this week, Hideo Kojima took to the stage at GDC and announced that Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain was real and would be coming to our (most likely) next gen consoles at some point in the future. He also had a very pretty trailer to show everyone.
If you haven’t seen it yet (for shame!) here it is, take a look below.
00:11 Big Boss has a heart attack. The doctors try to revive him, but he slips into a coma. This most likely sets the time of the next game sometime after 1972. During Big Boss’ coma, Major Zero (his ex-boss) harvested his genes for “Les Enfants Terribles” also known as the cloning program that made Solid Snake and his brothers.
00:58 Miller asks “What about him?” and indicates the bed the camera is looking from. Could we be seeing a new playable character in a similar vein to MGS2 and Raiden?
01:30 A shot directly from the Ground Zeroes trailer now. Someone removes the XOF markings from a helicopter. Evidently they haven’t heard of paint stripper.
01:34 Big Boss helps what looks to be a wounded Miller onto a helicopter. Could this be how he ended up in the hospital?
01:50 A XOF logo badge falls to the ground.
01:58 A collection of what look like oil rigs are being destroyed. More likely, they are the offshore base for the MSF which was attacked by XOF - most likely the raid they appear to be setting out for when they are removing the emblems from the chopper.
02:13 We appear to be moving into the Phantom Pain territory again. The scene where the protagonist (we assume to be Big Boss) is waking up, with a prosthesis for his lower left arm.
02:16 Big Boss is crawling out, helped by “Ishmael” the mysterious man whose face is bandaged. Could he be the person whose viewpoint we were looking through at the beginning? The difference in shots and camera angle could suggest that this could be actual gameplay footage.
02:17 - 02:28 Plenty of shots from the Phantom Pain trailer, depicting the escape from the hospital.
02:29 Another shot from the Phantom Pain, but this one bears some mention. The fiery figure. Who is he? Some say it’s Colonel Volgin from MGS3 because of the suit, but I’m inclined to say it’s not.
02:45 Big Boss is escaping from a crashed ambulance. I guess we can assume the escape attempt was successful.
02:56 Or maybe not. A light shines on Big Boss’ face and we pan to see someone in a gas mask and leather. Could this be Psycho Mantis before he was bald?
03:00 A man comes along riding a horse. We don’t get a good look at his face, but the hair and shortest glimpse of moustache suggest that this could be Revolver Ocelot.
03:05 A flaming whale leaps over the hill and eats the helicopter. I’m assuming this is when the acid finally managed to kick in.
03:08 A clearer shot of the man on the horse. There’s no moustache, but the white hair and coat would definitely suggest Ocelot as the rider.
03:11 Miller looks distraught over Big Boss’s unconscious body. Evidently we’re getting closer to the beginning of the trailer now.
03:15 As if a flaming whale wasn’t enough. Flaming Pegasus!
03:24 - 03:32 Ocelot and Big Boss escaping through a fire and being chased by the flaming Pegasus. Boss shoots it as they draw near.
03:43 - 04:28 Big Boss awakens from his coma. A nurse comes in and promptly rushes off to get the doctor.
04:35 “From ‘FOX,’ Two Phantoms were Born.” This seems to lead to the break up of FOX. There are four possible groups that this phrase could be referring to: Big Boss’ MSF, Major Zero’s Cipher, XOF or the Patriots. So, out of those four, whose beginning will we bear witness to?
04:44 “FOX vs. XOF” I guess that answers that question then.
04:45 The doctor now tells Big Boss how long he has been in a coma for. 9 years. I guess that explains why he’s so weak during the escape sequence.
04:53 “A Phantom Battle Waged by the Vanished” My guess is this will refer to the two opposing factions, both of whom are working outside the jurisdiction of the government.
05:05 The title appears. “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain”.
05:19 - 05:37 Big Boss, wearing a leather jacket with the insignia Diamond Dogs on it. He’s also got a swanky new robot hand and what looks like a horn on his head. He then goes on to say in a distinctly non David Hayter voice “Diamond Dogs. Our new home.” What could it mean? and why isn’t Hayter doing the voice of Big Boss?
05:38 The Diamond Dogs insignia again. Along with a woman saying “V has come to.” Who’s V? And what is their role within the Metal Gear story?
So ends the trailer. I hope you’ve enjoyed my analysis of it. Let me know your opinions in the comments. Also, I know David Hayter has said he isn’t doing the voice for Big Boss/Snake again, but I wouldn’t be surprised that this is him and Kojima trying to pull the wool over our eyes, as they’ve done so many times. Whatever happens, it looks good.