First of all, if this review were based on titles alone, this game would fail in every single way. Revengeance is not a word… But I digress. From fuck you to bad-ass, Raiden’s journey has been an interesting one and this game is certainly no exception.
Set four years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4 and the destruction of the Patriot AIs, the game follows Raiden as a cyborg ninja, working for a PMC company to help bring peace to war-torn countries, until a terrorist organisation (also filled with cyborg ninjas) attacks an African President’s convoy and Raiden is injured in the ensuing battle. He then goes on to fight the PMCs who attacked him and bring them down before they can unleash another attack that will rival 9/11.
That being said, the gameplay is entertaining. The levels are linear, but diverse enough that you don’t grow fatigued and the upgrade system allows you to improve your health, attacks and weapons. Quite possibly, the most diverting thing is discovering that you have the ability to cut almost any scenery into increasingly smaller chunks. This gets even more fun when you have your bosses telling you to get to the next objective but you want, nay HAVE, to cut the last tree in the area whilst singing Monty Python’s Lumberjack song.
Also, this doesn’t happen again, so hooray for that.
This game had so much potential. It seems a shame for it to be wasted in such a fashion as this. If you want a game that gives you the Metal Gear experience in a more condensed fashion, this won’t disappoint. But if you want the full-blown thing… maybe wait to see how Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain turn out.