So the excitement of E3 is over for another year, and we took the opportunity to ask some of our writers what they thought of the recent conferences and if there was a clear winner this year. Despite the differing opinions, everyone seems to be in agreement that EA's conference just blatantly sucked.
Ben thought...

Sure, there was no Kingdom Hearts III or Final Fantasy XV like last year, but they didn't hold back when it came to giving the gamers just a slice of what they wanted with such reveals as Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Watching the conference live made it all the more exciting, although the moment I'll always remember was when they made the announcement that the PlayStation 4 edition of Grand Theft Auto V would allow both PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers to transfer over their saves for the online mode, which I thought was a genius move. On a sidenote, it was also very good to see Microsoft put on a humble face as they acknowledged that last year's deviation from gaming was a mistake, and that they're back in it for the gamers.
All in all, a tremendous E3!'
John thought...

It may not have been a formal press conference, but Nintendo dished out a lot of information regarding their upcoming games, so much so that it has made me want to go out and buy a Wii U console, I've been on the fence up until now. We have Captain Toad, Mario Maker, Yoshi's Woolley World, Mario Party 10 and Smash Bros! There are a lot more games that interested me on Nintendo's Digital Conference than their console rivals. Granted their odds haven't stacked up that well in the console war in comparison to Microsoft or Sony, but it feels like now that this console has genuinely interesting games coming out for it, I feel it has a lot of potential for the future, and the Wii U's specifications are a bit of a let down, but the games simply look fun to play.
I don't always want to play overly complicated games and I think from a personal standpoint Nintendo are more committed than ever this year.'
Paul thought...

After seeing all of the announced content across all of the platforms, the one thing you can truly say for certain is that it all looks so very pretty. All the while the developers have tried to explain that they will be bringing gamers brand new experiences in the releases with gameplay that has never been seen before, but I can’t help but notice that the most talked about games were still from pre-existing franchises that we already know and love. Despite all this however, I still found myself excited as a child in a sweet shop while I watched this year’s conferences. I may not have been blown away by any new technical innovations but what I saw still whetted my appetite and left me wanting more. But of course, that is what the conferences are there for.
If nothing else, we know for certain that this generation will be a treat for the eyes and frankly I’m satisfied with that for now. Maybe it’s wrong to be so shallow, but currently I don’t want to be right.'
Reece thought...

Next up I saw the astounding Far Cry 4 gameplay trailer, along with the tense as hell opening cinematic, that makes me anxious to jump into the shoes of another not-so-battle-hardened-adventurer. The Mortal Kombat X gameplay segment put my fears to rest when I realised that the things they showcased in the cinematic weren’t just empty promises, and I now know for a certainty that they’ve learned from their second trip to the DC Universe. But the thing that positively blew me away was the gameplay we were shown from Assassin's Creed: Unity. The swift climbing abilities, a proper actual stealth mode and gritty setting made the single player look astounding, and the co-op promises to set this game apart from all the others.
Overall, this E3, in my opinion has been a blast.'
Vanessa thought...

In a sea of "same-y" games, with brown-grey colour palettes and white male-dominated character rostas, Nintendo came in with their conference and brought the colour and fun back into video games.
That's not to say that I wasn't impressed with some of what Microsoft, Sony, EA and Ubisoft presented - Uncharted 4, The Division, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Little Big Planet 3, Destiny, Dragon Age: Inquisition (though I have somewhat gone off Unity now in light of Ubisoft's terrible excuses about certain issues) as well as the wealth of Indie games that were presented - all were solid and are things that I am certainly looking forward to. However, Nintendo came in and poked fun at itself (watch it's opening to it's Digital Conference and I dare you not at least smile) and presented colourful games with a variety of characters that were like a breath of fresh air amongst the stifling same-y looking AAA titles. Yoshi's Woolly World completely took me by surprise, as did Splatoon. These might not be serious titles, but they're certainly look gorgeous and bring an element of fun back into gaming which seems to be sadly lacking from most games nowadays. Nintendo came in and showed Microsoft and Sony, as well as the rest of E3, that games can be colourful and fun and wacky and still be serious - that it's okay to have a little fun sometimes too.
You go, Nintendo!'
Nintendo wins by a landslide majority, apparently!

But was there anything we missed? Let us know on our Twitter or Facebook page!