This year’s E3 has been an explosion of video game content, from gameplay of Mortal Kombat X, to a cinematic trailer of upcoming third-person MMO game, The Division. There’s been such a wide variety of content that it’s hard to pick out the truly amazing releases that stand out from the rest.
However, IWGers are some of the most determined folk on these here internets. And you can sure as hell bet we're going to try!
5. Splatoon

I use the term third-person shooter looser than Facebook’s privacy policy. Splatoon will have online players armed to the teeth with… Ink guns? Players will be put onto two different teams, each with a specific colour which can be plastered on the walls with ink guns, bombs and even bazookas (who uses that word anymore though, seriously?) The aim is to cover as much of the battleground with your team’s colour as possible and those who fill the most of the area wins. The reason this sticks in my mind as an amazing release is how unique it is. Nintendo’s taken a tried and tested formula, made it family friendly, and made it fun as hell. Teamwork is essential in this game and I think it’s a great new title to help Nintendo stand out. They may not have the best graphics or mechanics, but they do have the most heart.
4. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Monolith Productions

Again I hear you cry out for explanation as how can we play as a dead man? Talion is no ordinary dead man. Upon death Talion’s soul intertwines with the soul of a Ring Wraith; which you may remember as those creepy things that can sense the One Ring’s location whenever it’s worn. As a result Talion becomes immortal, so even if he falls in combat he’ll just get straight back up after a little rest period. However, this doesn’t sound like anything new as pretty much every character in every video game can do that to some extent. The real difference is that the enemies will remember you. For instance, say you’re struck down by a low-level orc. By the time you find him again he may well have risen in ranks. He may well even bare scars from your last encounter and he certainly won’t be happy to see your face again.
But the advantages of being half-Wraith don’t stop there; ohhhhh no. Players will also be able to interrogate orcs using their terrifying ethereal image and bend them to their will, allowing the orcs to embark on spy missions or assassinations. They’ll also be able to teleport short distances or even ride huge beasts. This E3 we were treated to some more gameplay footage, after being a bit polished from the previous alpha footage we were shown before. Combat looks smooth, taking a few notes out of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed franchise, along with it being a free-roaming third-person action game with some climbing mechanics in place. Overall, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor looks like a step in the right direction for the LOTR gaming universe. Recently we’ve been treated to all too many flops; just look at War in the North, and I sincerely hope Monolith can give us the Lord of the Rings experience we’ve been craving for far too long.
3. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Naughty Dog

2. Far Cry 4

We’re introduced to some new climbing gear such as the grappling hook, which we’re told we’ll be needing quite a lot and the wing-suit from Far Cry 3 makes a triumphant return. The big game changer this time around though is free-roam co-op, where a friend can seamlessly drop in to your game session and you and your friend can run amok, destroying your foes and crushing outposts, which have also returned, only bigger and more “badass” according to the creative director. Far Cry 4 looks like it’s going to be another stellar entry into the franchise and if you haven’t been swayed so far I have two simple sentences: you can ride elephants. And they can blow stuff up with a head-butt.
1. Assassin's Creed: Unity

Finally of course we were given a segment from the main single-player story mode, where we were shown (at long last) an actual stealth mode, which allowed our Assassin (named 'Arno') to crouch behind cover to avoid detection. In co-op, players take control of one of the four Assassins show cased in the cinematic trailer. We were tipped of about this trailer before of course thanks to Twitter and the internet (including us over at IWG) were spouting possibilities of the new co-op. Thankfully a large portion of these questions were answered at E3. Teamwork also seems to play a vital role, not in just killing someone to save your friend from being detected, but also in that certain players may have advantages that others do not, such as the lock pick skill, which can be used to open up new possibilities within the level (pun intended.) Combat is also much more difficult as there are four of you instead of one, meaning that if you’re in a lot of trouble you better hope your friends have your back.
We’ve also been shown the new hidden blade design “The Phantom Blade,” in essence a wrist-mounted crossbow, deadly at long range, which bares striking resemblance to Master Assassin Daud’s signature weapon from Arkane Studios’ Dishonoured. Story-wise however, we’ve been told very little. We know our main character, Arno Dorian, is on the hunt for Templars whom he sees as a corruptive influence on his beautiful city. And what a beautiful city it is, as the Parisian skyline is choked with smokes from the many riots below we can see its underlying beauty and crisp graphics. All in all, Unity looks to be one of the very best in the AC series. Only one problem.
How the hell are we going to get them to represent the rest of the world’s population who aren’t men? Stay tuned for Vanessa's article on that very subject, later this week.
But for now, E3 has ended... Until next year!

Was there anything you read and disagreed with here? Maybe your most anticipated game didn't make it into the final line up?
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