It was a lifetime ago when the all-new Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 appeared as two hefty love letters to all gamers whilst gracefully taking the helm as master innovators in the 21st Century living room. But with the latest salvoes of ongoing console wars, between Sony, Microsoft and even Nintendo, many remain dissuaded by next-gen publisher’s greed.
It’s not uncommon for gaming initiators to undergo significant price reductions particularly when consoles approach the end of their life-span but for them to substitute price decrees on digital games seems improbable considering that a vast majority of consumers prefer in store purchases. The question that remains unanswered is why are digital games the same price as offline games? Remove the cost of Blu-ray discs, the tangible feeling of a plastic box, and all the other pleasures that come with offline purchases; you would surely save a lotof cash. So with all those additional costs removed why are gamers still being forced to pay the same amount as the physical copy of a game? It makes no sense to the average gamer when it only reaps the benefits of Microsoft and Sony.
Digital games do seemingly feel like a virtual dream into the future of gaming e-commerce, but with high-priced downloadable games offering no incentive for gamers – the true potential of digital shopping will not meets its peak – until international publishers savings start to be transferred onto the people that make the industry so successful; the players. The innovative consoles makers will begin to miss out on productive trades and the virtual system that they have been bragging about will certainly stagnate if they fail to match the worthy demands of hardcore gamers.
Not quite the digital revolution we would hope for?
What is you opinion on digital download pricing? Do you feel it should be cheaper? Or even more expensive? Let us know in the comments below!