Back when this game was first announced I honestly wasn't sure where I stood with it. I've been a fan of the Legend of Zelda series for many years but I was well aware that this wouldn't remotely play like any title before it. Essentially, this is Dynasty Warriors wrapped up in a Zelda skin.
So the problem for me before buying Hyrule Warriors was the fact that Nintendo have turned the traditional adventure RPG style of their near perfect franchise, into a mere hack and slash-fest. To be blunt, I never thought this game would appeal to me, but how wrong I was.

The main two I’ve focused on have been Legend Mode and Adventure Mode. The story for Legend Mode has a familiar feel to it, of course starting out as the silent protagonist featured in the series, obtaining the master sword and fighting with Ganondorf. The aspect I really enjoyed was travelling to different timelines in LoZ series to battle in different games, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword. Personally something I think would be amazing in a traditional Zelda game.

I’m yet to complete the main game and have a lot of playing to do but I’m eager to do so. Despite some of my gripes with the game, this fast paced endeavour, filled with so many characters and environments that I love, has given me constant entertainment and will more than suffice while I wait for the next Zelda title, coming next year.
We'll keep you posted

Have you had a chance to play the game yet? Or perhaps you miss the more traditional Zelda titles. Let us know in the comments below what your thoughts are!