In light of a total operating loss of 35 billion yen, roughly £214 million, in 2013 the president of Nintendo Satoru Iwata has a taken a 50% pay cut, as well as Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda bith taking a 30% reduction while the other seven members of the company's board take a 20% cut.
produce and their consoles, I’m glad to see the executives understand that is their fault and
haven’t placed blame on the employees by mass firing to make up for losses as other companies
Hopefully 2014 will see a good year for Nintendo and especially sales of the Wii U, certainly in the
second half of 2013 there have been some notable releases of Pikmin 3, The Legend of Zelda the
Wind Waker and Super Mario 3D World which have improved sales and I can vouch for the latter 2
being great enjoyable games. In 2014 though we have; Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze,
Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2 and (the one that has my interest
most) Monolith’s X.
There is potential for the Wii U to do well but I fear with the arrival of the “next-gen” consoles,
Nintendo are in a rather difficult situation which will require a lot of work for the company in
order for them to proceed. Maybe a reduction in price is in order to boost console sales but we’ll
have to wait and see what happens in the up-coming year, hopefully it will be nothing but good
news for the company.