Having played Destiny for approximately nine hours I've only just hit the point of new content I didn't reach during the Beta. The first area hasn't changed much, with only minor tweaks applied to the game's enemies, and also to the various locations to stop exploits.
When I played the Beta I really enjoyed the content on offer having never been a big fan of MMO's I can start to see why some people enjoy them, with destiny there seems to be plenty of room for expansion.

My only disappointments so far are not being able to buy some decent weapons as ranking up with high damage I only keep getting the same assortment of goods. There are times playing through the missions on the moon when you can easily get swarmed with enemies who seem to spawn endlessly. I've noticed this even playing through on a Normal difficulty setting and, at times, I feel as though Bungie have cranked the enemy difficulty really high. I feel they need to alter the enemies so that you can kill more without dying as much. Maybe this game is designed that way because the campaign is so short that they want to lengthen it out so it feels like you've spent ages playing the campaign. If you're looking to jump into playing PvP then you will have to rank up to around the level 7 or 8 mark before you can jump into and gain access to the Crucible, although this could be a little sooner dependent on your skill. My focus whilst playing has been to go through the campaign missions to experience the story, rather than go up against others in the online competitive mode.
As it stands I feel that I still have a lot left to look forward too and still hope to be playing this game in a few months time.
Here's to another nine hours!

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