Bethesda have always been known to gamers around the world for making excellent quality games, and today they took another leap forward by hosting their first ever electronic entertainment (E3) conference!

We were also shown the new Multiplayer feature, which is a fast paced combat arena game mode featuring power ups, with more information expected on the multiplayer portion of the game later in the year.
Perhaps the biggest part of the Doom announcement however, was the ID software; what if every player had the ability to create and share their own maps and environments, regardless of platform. Introducing Doom Snapmap, an easy to use in-game tool, where players can create intricate maps, make new modes and share with the press of a single button.
Doom will be arriving on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in Spring 2016.
Moving on from the Doom announcement was a trailer for Battlecry, an online action game. The trailer showed the different character classes available to choose from, at present, these being: Brawler, Enforcer, Infiltrator, Ranger and Gadgeteer. You can sign up to get hands on in a beta version of the game by visiting the Battlecry website.
Next up, the team behind The Elder Scrolls Online couldn't be at the show, however they did release a sneak peek of what to expect in the coming months for the recently released MMO. First up were two locations, Imperial City and Orsinium, Realm of Orcs. There was no time frame given as to when players would get to see this content, but given that this is an ever growing online universe, it could be relatively soon. There was also a surprise game announcement, one which, from a personal standpoint, I didn't see coming at all; The Elder Scrolls Legends, a strategy card game that will be free-to-play for PC and iOS. The teaser trailer revealed very litte, except that ‘your destiny is your own to craft’.

Finally, Pete Hines returned to the stage and joked that the show was over, leaving some temporarily upset Fallout 4 fans hanging. Of course, Bethesda would leave the best for last, and we were quickly treated to a wealth of new information from game director, Todd Howard.
So what did we see from the demo? It all begins before the bombs fell, on a seemingly idyllic Saturday morning. We see a new take on Fallout’s character creation, giving you the option to switch between the potential male and female (husband and wife) player characters, customising them both using innovative click and drag style facial moulding; gone are the days of awkward pre-sets. Interestingly, Howard went on to mention that character's baby, currently asleep in the next room, will be generated based on your choices for characters, it will be interesting to see how this plays out in the story.

Of course, things don’t stay shiny forever. Fallout sirens sound, and you and your family make your way to Vault, just as the bombs drop on Boston. 200 years later (and some stasis magic?) you emerge as the sole survivor ofVault 111. The game itself is a dynamic world, you can still do whatever you want to do from the get go, travel the world and explore, complete missions, the choice is yours to make.
Sticking with the Fallout tradition, the dog featured in the trailer is a potential companion and can be ordered to fetch items, move to a certain location and take commands.
Part way through the Fallout 4 demo, Howard reveals that the Pip-Boy is still a big part of the game and elicited a huge response from the audience when announcing the Pip-Boy Edition of the game, complete with a wearable version of the device, complete with a smart phone slot so you can use your companion app like a true survivor of the post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Perhaps the biggest and most exciting addition to Fallout 4 however is the optional crafting aspect, which has been completely overhauled. Entering crafting allows you to break down scrap from the environment and use it to create your own homes and settlements, including defences against the inevitable raider attacks. It’s great that they seem to be catering for all types of players, without forcing any specific games modes onto anyone (*cough* AC: Unity *cough*).

Did you watch the conference live stream? What did you think to the reveals?