Batman: Arkham Knight is the third and final installment in Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy and if this gameplay trailer is anything to go by, this game is going to be, for a lack of a better word, epic. Although not much is revealed about the game's storyline in this trailer we do get introduced to some key characters.
For what we see of the gameplay, Arkham Knight returns to an open-world format with rich and vast detail and and all in a scale which far excels that of the previous games. The combat looks to be slick and not too dissimilar to what we've experienced before. However something that seems to be the real game-changer in terms of gameplay is the introduction of the Batmobile, seen at various times throughout the trailer (and previous games), which could potentially add a whole different layer of gameplay and combat into the mix.
Everything we have grown familiar with in the last four games has gotten an extensive upgrade (even Batman get's a flashy new suit) and, personally, I have very high hopes.
Batman: Arkham Knight is due out in October. You can check out the trailer below!