Alien Isolation is the upcoming title from SEGA about, yes, you’re right, the Alien Universe. Yes. Again. But I think I really should attract your notice to the singular word there, ‘Alien.’ What does that mean I hear you shout? It means that this game is going to be about the Alien movie, not the Aliens movies. There’s a big difference. Now, instead of mowing down hordes of horrifically animated beasts, you’ll be fighting to survive a singular creature lurking in the halls of a seemingly abandoned space shuttle. Slightly interested? Good.
And, let’s not forget, everything looks gorgeous! The lighting, the Alien, the station, everything looks absolutely amazing. It’s hardly surprising for a game coming to the next gen but it’s still astounding. And everything just looks so…Alien! Now, I’m not old, I didn’t watch Alien when it came out. But watching that trailer, it brought back so many fond memories of my first viewing of the original film. Everything looks like the old 70’s view of the future, from the push-to-make-it-happen style machines to the gear that looks like it took a lot of thought and foresight for the people to create. It’s like trying to step back in time to make something futuristic and they look like they’ve done a fantastic job.
We haven’t seen or heard a lot so far from this title. It’s scheduled for a late 2014 release, but with all the problems with videogames we could well be looking at an early or even late 2015 release. But I don’t mind, I can wait, as long as they do it right. And so far, it’s looking like they’re on the right track.
To watch the trailer go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meNE4CPtnCo and click the link on the end to hear people like Al Hope try and tell you that you’re not going to sit down to another Colonial Marines when it eventually comes out.