Well, now that the hype has died down, I think it’s about time we looked at who is really the best character in GTA V. Due to the multiple ways of looking at each character I propose we start with the most important part: their gameplay.
3. Franklin Clinton

2. Trevor Philips

Trevor’s very handy for getting a job done quickly. His shooting is moderately good, so I can usually hit my targets, and his strength coupled with his stamina, makes him great at fighting and getting away without too much trouble. His special ability is probably the best thing about him (gameplay-wise) as it allows the player to take practically no damage while dealing out twice as much, at least (and with possibly a trickle of slow motion). Along with this, the meter is also easy to build up and therefore you can trigger it for longer amounts of time. It’s extremely handy if you’re running from the law and you’d rather not bump into that 3 star territory.
1. Michael Townley

speeding cars) And it allows me to sustain my rather odd OCD where I must at all times have an even number of bullets in each of my weapons. So that now, I’m not going to miss and mess the whole system up (hey, I did say it was rather odd)
And there’s my personal favourites, for their gameplay capabilities. Next time, I’ll be taking a look at the characters themselves.