The Silent protagonist is one of those characters that game developers love to re-use again and again. They put us in the shoes of the main character and allow our own imaginations develop that person's personality and drives in life. But how would these characters really think? In 'A Day in the Life' we delve behind the inner thoughts and desires of some of gaming's most popular stoic heroes so they may no longer suffer in silence.
Today we start with a character whose need to find his own father saw him venturing from his home for the first time...
The Lone Wanderer

Still, there was something to be said for the Vault's clean water and air.
Dad always said the Vault would keep me safe from the horrors of the Wasteland, but him leaving also meant I was exiled too. Like Father, like son; or so they say. The man never said a word when he left. I was mad, I can tell you. I didn't have a clue how to survive out here, all alone; but Dad taught me how to shoot. So, at least that was something.
I wondered about why my dad would go out on his own. I knew I had to find him, despite how angry I was. I had no where else to go.
A voice knocked me out of my thoughts.
"There he is. Get him!" a gruff voice yelled out.
Everywhere I went it was like this. Every man for himself, in the Wasteland. The unscrupulous had banded together as thugs for hire, looking to steal and take anything from lone wanderers like myself. Fortunately, like I said, Dad had taught me to shoot.
I killed them all, except for one who limped away chicken. I could have knocked him off too but it felt like justice knowing he was in agony after picking a fight with me. Maybe he won't be so stupid as to try killing me again.

Sheriff Lucas Simm, greeted me as I passed through the gates and told me he didn't want any trouble. Good for both of us, since I didn't want any either. In the end I decided I quite liked the lawman. As Wastelanders go he was fairly decent to me.
I asked if he had seen my dad and he said I may be able to drum up some more information at the local Saloon from the man who runs the place; a fella called Moriarty.
I ventured up to Moriarty's Saloon and had a couple of drinks.
I got on the good side of the bartender: a human who had been changed into a freakish looking creature, thanks in part to the radiation from the nukes that had gone off in the last war. People called him a Ghoul, I called him friend.

Luckily, if the one thing I was best at wasn't diffusing bombs, then it was definitely hacking computers for sensitive information. I was already finished by the time Ghoul warned me Moriarty himself was walking through the front; so instead I moseyed out of the back door.
Sad thing was that I hadn't quite got the information I needed so I went back into the Saloon through the front door to have a little chit-chat with Moriarty himself. In the end I managed to convince him to give me the location of my dad. Although maybe it had something to do with saying I would tell everyone that his place was used to torture guests. In return, Moriarty kindly informed me that Dad was heading up to the Galaxy News Radio building deep inside the remains of Washington DC. He was even kind enough to upload the co-ordinates to my Pip Boy.

My journey led me to some not-so-abandoned metro tunnels. I have to say they were pretty damn creepy, and with a definite presence of some crazy residents I made it a point to tread lightly.
Feral ghouls still attacked me from all sides and I fended them off long enough not to die, though they were not the worst by far.

As normal though, I got lucky.
A faction of overly dressed soldiers, known as The Brotherhood Of Steel, had launched an assault to reclaim Galaxy News Radio, which apparently had been overrun with the Super Mutant bad guys I now wanted to kill. I like to think I joined them on their mission but in all honesty I merely tagged along in the hopes of finding my dad alive.
We swept the area of all mutated filth that could be thrown at us and managed to secure Galaxy News Radio, or so we thought.
Just as we were about to let our guard down there was a clash of thunder in the distance and then something new arrived.
If I thought I was going to die by the Super Mutants today I surely didn't expect to see the sheer size of what now faced me and the remaining Brotherhood Of Steel...
To Be Continued...

The Capitol Wasteland is a big place to get lost in. We'll have more from our favourite gun toting, vault dweller soon.
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