I know I said I aimed to select films that not many people have heard of, but the minute I saw this in the listings, I couldn’t let the chance slip away to write about what was recently voted the greatest comedy movie of all time. Spoof movies are famously one of the most hated genres of film, from Epic Movie to Date Movie, Disaster Movie to Meet the Spartans (in my opinion, one of the worst films of all time), they can’t seem to attract any love. A notable exception would be Scary Movie, even though its sequels aren’t quite as well received (See: Scary Movie 2, 4 and 5 – 3 was the best… shut up, it was!).
From the modern generation, I can only say that I liked Scary Movie 3 and Superhero Movie, two undeniably stupid films that make me laugh my ass off. But honestly, the age of good spoof movies is long gone, my friends. As much as I hate to say it, we’re never gonna get another Hot Shots. We’re never gonna get another Top Secret. We’re never gonna get another Naked Gun. And we’re sure as hell not gonna get another Airplane!

In my opinion, Airplane! has the best kind of humour you’ll ever find in a movie. It’s the same type of humour from The Naked Gun; satirical, reinforced with visual and slapstick gags. As a matter of fact, many of the films puns have become popular in American culture, most famously the side-splitting exchange between Leslie Nielsen and Robert Hays:
“Can you fly this plane, and land it?”
“Surely you can’t be serious!”
“I am serious... and don’t call me Shirley”

In a perfect world, everyone would just stop complaining about the crap we get today and just appreciate that we have gold like this to help us forget about these soulless, money making disasters. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world, just a world that contains the perfect comedy. It’s a laugh-a-minute riot that always has been and always will be considered one of the greatest comedies of all time.
Watch it Friday 19th April on ITV1 (UK only) at 21:00. Let us know what you thought in the comments down below!