So I'm sitting in the packed cinema surrounded by people buzzing with excitement, eagerly awaiting the stroke of 12:01am. Why? Because that's when the first showing of Iron Man 3 hits our screens...
Well in fact the film doesn't start for another 30 minutes, but who's counting?
So after previewing the trailers (including a 3D Star Trek: Into Darkness trailer...eep!) we settled into the film. I, along with probably about 100 others, were on the edge of our seats, right up until the last scene when we all let out our breath and began the self-reviewing.

So the final credits roll and people begin to file out of the cinema, and I began to think about what I had just watched. Now I'll admit I'm not an Iron Man comic book reader, but I do know my stuff. I would say that this, as a film, is very good, but if you are a reader of the comics, you may not enjoy it as much as you would expect to as it takes liberties with the original plots. Then again, name me a comic book movie that doesn’t.
With a film as big as Iron Man 3, it comes with a lot of expectations from the viewer. I feel like, coming away from watching it, that I did expect this film to be super-duper-awesomely-amazing, but it fact it was just awesomely-amazing. There were some scenes where I sat there, gawping at the screen, admiring the purely breath-taking moments I was being held witness to or laughing my head off at some of the cracking one liners, yet at other times I was sitting there thinking "is this it?"

So in conclusion: would I pay £8 to watch this film? Yes I would, it was worth every penny. But would I go back and see it again and again like I did with Avengers Assemble and The Hunger Games? No, I probably wouldn't. However, go and watch it for yourself and make up your own mind, I can guarantee you'll have a good laugh either way!