Viewer discretion is advised; the following article contains scenes that should not be viewed by ANYONE under 18, but we all know you’re not turning back at this point anyway so, person to person, I’m proud of you (and so, I assume, is Mark Gatiss!) Now, in no particular order…
Who to thank for this one? Tom Savani or George A Romero… Both! Captain Robert Rhodes a charming individual, power mad, stuck underground with the remains of an army and scientists to keep him company whilst hoards of the undead attempt to penetrate their base. As I hinted above, he’s not the nicest bloke you could meet, which makes his rather gruesome death seem almost pleasing in movie terms.
The special effects team have really out done themselves on this one. Captain Robert is shot several times by a zombie known as Bob, who is rather unhappy with him. While making his escape from Bob he opens a door to a room full of zombies, who are rather pleased to see him. The Captain is quite literally torn apart and no detail is spared, he lives long enough to watch his legs being dragged down a corridor (oh yes, they pull his legs off) and his organs strewn along the floor, just long enough to croak “Choke on them!”. But enough talk, I could tell you all about it, but mere words cannot do this death justice, take a look for yourselves…
From the Godfather of Gore comes this, rather nauseating, gruesome supernatural death. The title of this film is rather misleading, City of the Living Dead rather gives you the impression that you are going to be looking at a sort of George A. Romero film, however this isn’t the case. Writer, Producer and Director Lucio Fulci had already done walking corpses eating the living, that wasn’t enough for him anymore. These zombies are not normal, able to vanish and appear at will, with supernatural strength and powers (being able to crush someone’s skull with just one hand!).
So to my recollection, this girl is not a main character, she does however fall victim to one of the most gruesome deaths ever. Whilst out with her boyfriend, they park their car and begin kissing, stopping abruptly when they spot the clearly dead priest hanging by a rope further on, staring back at them. Panicking they try to start the car, which was obviously not going to work. The stare of this priest seems to have rather adverse effects, the woman begins to cry blood, then a little trickle of something slips out of her mouth, followed by something big… She begins to literally vomit up her organs in front of her terrified boyfriend. Hers is a death I don’t think any of us envy, check it out for yourselves…
I’m sure you’ll notice that this death is from the same film, not surprising that this film was banned in the UK until, would you believe, 2001 when we were finally shown the full, uncut movie. So the idea behind this film is that a Priest hangs himself in a graveyard, inadvertently opening the gates to hell. People begin to die, and this poor bloke, Bob, is hiding. He talks to his friend Anne for a moment, before her redneck dad comes in, grabbing Bob and accusing him of being a pervert and a murderer. Ironically he then murders Bob in a rather horrific way, with a drill… This is undoubtedly a horrible way to go, but you have to appreciate the special effects in this scene…
Same writer and director, but different film this time! Zombi 2, the unofficial sequel to Dawn of the Dead (1970’s version), which in Italy was named Zombi. Other than this title and the flesh eating zombies, the film bares no other resemblance to any of George A Romero’s works. Now this scene is one of the most infamous of all time, and I present you with the uncut version. Those of a squeamish nature might want to look away, because Lucio Fulci wants to shock, he wants to convey the emotions of fear, shock and revulsion, to him, this is an art form, and in this scene he does it so very well. The plot is quite simple, this poor girl is hiding from a zombie, the zombie breaks through the door and grabs her, pulling her through, however a splinter of wood separates them…
Seven is, by definition, not a horror film. It’s more of a thriller, and there aren’t really any other specific horror scenes in this film. But as the definition of a thriller film is to try and thrill, this scene featuring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as detectives on the hunt for a serial killer, killing for breaking the seven deadly sins, shows a kidnapped man, tied to a bed and forced to take heroin every day for a year before the police were tipped off to check the apartment. A picture was taken every day to show his gradual transformation from human to un-bandaged mummy. See for yourself, this is, without doubt one of the more shocking scenes in a recent movie…
So, alright it’s not exactly gruesome, but I’ve included it anyway. Why? Because it’s so shockingly realistic, most of us can look out of the window now and see a curb just like the one in this scene. It’s so shocking that I couldn’t not include it in this video. The curb stom, may be the most simple horrific death I can think of, take a look for yourself…
Baby faced Johnny Depp, how can you not love him? Easy, you can be Freddy. Freddy, who we all know (or should do by now) has a rather odd hobby of invading the dreams of American teens, slowly torturing and eventually killing them. Sweet little Johnny here plays victim to what can only be described as a blender bed. Freddy reaches through and grabs him, pulling him under, next thing we know a blended Glen is being sprayed all over the room, not a nice sight for when his mother comes in, to see her son dripping off the walls and ceiling…
I cannot claim to be a fan of the Saw films, I do not see a point to them really, to me it just seems to be a collection of deaths made as gruesome as possible. In fact, people who know me know I can actually go off on rather an eccentric rant about them… But, never the less a few of them have made my list! This one in particular shows a man getting the opportunity he’s always wanted, to watch the man who ran over and killed his son tortured to death. The only way to stop it, to take a bullet for him… This is Saw we’re talking about so we know what happens, but here we go anyway, have a watch…
So why am I including this one? Quite simply because it makes history. To our knowledge, this is the first time we have been shown the ‘Crushing room’ all the way through, as space gets tight previously the camera would cut out and you would just hear a scream, maybe see a trickle of blood under the door, but not this time, not with Saw. These people like to go the extra mile, so they happily show the man’s limbs crushed to the point where they snap and his blood trickling all over the glass coffin… Take a look for yourselves!
Well what can I say about this? Personally I have never understood why humans want to sit in these microwaves and cook themselves anyway, but if skin cancer wasn’t enough of a put off for using sun beds, this clip may well be! This scene is also totally not aimed at males, ten points if you can guess why…
So these two girls have cheated death, and death isn’t happy, so he’s decided to get them back. How? By locking them in sunbeds which are getting hotter and hotter causing the girls to blister and burn and catch fire… But don’t worry, they scream, because that’ll do a lot of good!
We’ve all been there, we drive a pretty person out into the middle of nowhere hoping to get lucky, and just before anything interesting happens they see something outside that spooks them, so they insist on being taken back home. Typical. So this disbelieving chap is rather surprised to see someone when he starts the engine and the headlights come on, illuminating a man running towards the car. Before they have time to react however he is on the bonnet, and fires a single shot at the man, who sort of… explodes, making a terrible mess of the car. I do not envy that cleaner!
What do you need to know? A nerdy, bullied fat man is the butt of a joke which ends up in him doused in chemicals which severely burn him, he transforms into the Toxic Avenger and begins his revenge on his tormentors. Killing one in the clip below… The mop is his calling card.
I know I said in no particular order, but I lied. This is without doubt the most disturbing, gruesome, sickening death ever. Why? Quite simply, because it happens to a sweet little kid on a bicycle…
This film is labelled as a horror comedy, and I can’t truthfully say I remember too much of it. It’s a B movie, low budget and virtually ignored upon its release, it has however got a rather cult following. This scene certainly sticks out in my mind. Now remember, no kids were harmed in the making of this scene, the kids and teenagers all had a good laugh making this on set, but the graphic scene it portrays is so disturbing, even in fiction, that it really does affect people negatively, including a hardened horror fan like me…