After the admittedly atrocious X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the only person keeping positive about the character's future in cinema was Hugh Jackman who, lets face it, wasn't to be trusted after his positivity and hopes for the aforementioned film. However, presumably thanks to the positive reaction to X-Men: First Class, and the once strong creative team trying to bring the original vision of Chris Claremont and Frank Miller to life, The Wolverine will be hitting our shores as early as July 26th. What I am presented with today is a trailer that pales in significance when compared with both the original story as well as what The X Men could stand for in the world of cinema.

My only question is... Why? It isn't a particularly comic book story in terms of narrative and structure, it would translate perfectly well to film; and despite its Asian influence it’s still a Western story, i.e. something that Hollywood loves, just ask the Akira remake. It isn't an r-rated tale either, as Miller's original art work proves that you don't need explicit violence to tell a graphic story, the original story isn't one that wouldn't twist the underwear of prospective producers, its almost a PG. Have they not learnt from countless other forays into the genre that the cardinal sin when making a comic book film is straying far and wide from the damn source material. Oh, and FYI, before any Dark Knight fan boys balk and say that Christopher Nolan has already made the perfect comic book film, I'd simply argue that regardless of the film's quality, The Dark Knight Trillogy is as far from a comic book film as Inception was.
Batman rant over.

However, let's face it, they've given few reasons to be trusted thus far. Check out the trailer below, my particular highlight/lowlight is the train sequence... Because lets face it, nothing says quality like terrible CGI... Isn't that right, Fantastic Four? X-Men Origins? Ghost Rider...?