With TV movie of the week, I aim to choose films that perhaps not many people have seen. This week, it was a lot harder. Unlike last week’s little known Before the Devil Knows you’re Dead, this week was littered with many all time favourites – Speed, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Grease etc. Of course, I managed to find a film I watched some time ago, one that I have fond memories of: Out of Sight, starring George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez.

The movie is Directed by Steven Soderbergh, who made hits like Ocean’s Eleven, Sex Lies and Videotapes and Erin Brockovich, not to mention recent hits Magic Mike and Contagion. Sadly, he retired earlier this year with his last movie Side Effects. I’ve always thought of him to be a very talented director, as Out of Sight makes clear with its unique style. Despite being partly a comedy, the tone of the film seems quite dark, as does the lighting in most scenes that, along with the music, creates a good atmosphere for the rest of the movie.

Jennifer Lopez, however, is someone I hate. Like, really hate. Her music tends to get stuck in my head, but when it comes to making movies, it’s almost as if she was put on this Earth to not entertain. But, it would seem she can be decent when she wants to be. In Out of Sight, she’s funny, she’s sexy and she’s not annoying. That alone is a miracle within itself. True, sometimes her talking about her feelings for Jack gets a bit irritating, but overall she satisfies. The chemistry between Clooney and Lopez really is quite something; certainly the best thing about the movie, it’s entirely believable and one of the best on screen chemistries for both actors. Apart from the two, no one else in the cast really stands out. Don Cheadle is Don Cheadle, Ving Rhames is Ving Rhames, Dennis Farina is Dennis Farina etc. What I’m saying is that their performances are quite typical of them, which isn’t to say they’re bad, but nothing you couldn’t expect.

So overall, Out of Sight is slick and stylish, with a genuinely funny script, a genuinely charming cast, and a genuinely enjoyable experience. It’s nowhere near Soderbergh’s best, or Clooney’s for that matter, but I personally think it’s a film that should not be missed.
Check it out Friday 28th March at 22:15 on ITV1 (UK Only). Let us know what you think in the comments!