The world has lost its Genie. With the sudden, and very shocking passing, of Robin Williams, many have lost the talent that was behind one of the world’s greatest animated characters. Aladdin was my first introduction to the talent of Robin Williams. It was his rapid impressions during the Genie’s introduction that captured my attention. Shortly after, my parents rented Hook and I was a fan from there.
by Laura W
The world has lost its Genie. With the sudden, and very shocking passing, of Robin Williams, many have lost the talent that was behind one of the world’s greatest animated characters. Aladdin was my first introduction to the talent of Robin Williams. It was his rapid impressions during the Genie’s introduction that captured my attention. Shortly after, my parents rented Hook and I was a fan from there. by Georgia Thompson As the death of beloved actor and comedian Robin Williams continues to break millions of hearts across the globe, I’m taking a fond look at the 1996 film Jack, one of his more underrated roles. The film is a bizarre and gut wrenching cross of comedy and tragedy, as the best films often are. I will try and get through this without tearing up, but I’m sure you’ll forgive me if I fail. by Cookie N Screen Everyone is deeply shocked at the passing of Robin Williams. Just like that, a light of our childhood just went out, as millions wept over the man who captured all of our childhoods. Everyone has their favourite Williams movie. For me, it was Hook. This was the film that I spent countless days watching with my family. Curled up on my father’s stomach and listening to it growl as we were delighted by Spielberg’s fantasy adventure. by Julia Lawson The classic. The one and only. The man woman father n nanny of them all. It's Mrs Doubtfire. This family favourite, appealing to our childhoods and the childhoods of so many to come, is sitting in dusty video cupboards around the world just waiting to be rediscovered. But now people of the world hit Netflix, LoveFilm, Sky Movies, the iTunes Store, Amazon, your collection of DVD recordings, the Internet (and if struggling find that dusty video and video player) and watch and laugh with one of the absolute Greats of Comedy, Robin Williams. by Robbie Jones Celebrities die all year round. There’s no debating it, there’s no stopping it, there’s only accepting it. But how people react can differ. Some people are huge fans and are utterly devastated to hear the news, whilst others aren’t too familiar with the celebrity and therefore unaffected. Well I think it’s safe to say that everyone was affected by the news of Robin Williams’ passing. |
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July 2015