The world has lost its Genie. With the sudden, and very shocking passing, of Robin Williams, many have lost the talent that was behind one of the world’s greatest animated characters. Aladdin was my first introduction to the talent of Robin Williams. It was his rapid impressions during the Genie’s introduction that captured my attention. Shortly after, my parents rented Hook and I was a fan from there.

Aladdin was one of the best films to come out of Disney’s Renaissance Period during 1992. It is still loved to this day, by both children and adults alike. Many of the parents today are those who were children when Aladdin was originally released. Numerous children wished (no pun intended) to be swept away on a magic carpet ride, or have their own genie grant them three wishes.

Aladdin meant a great deal to me, as it’s the first film I clearly remember watching in its entirety, with my father. I remember going to see Fantasia, but it is Aladdin that remains the clearest. It was one of the last films I also watched with my father before he died. I cherish that, mainly thanks to Robin, because he was the one that made my father laugh the hardest. The loss of Robin has left quite a mark on the world, both in entertainment and otherwise. Many people my age were introduced to Robin through Aladdin and Hook, and grew up with the films that were released after, such as Jack and Patch Adams.
The world seems a little darker without it's Genie.