Ladies and gentleman, I am about to present to you what I genuinely believe to be the most under-rated film of all time. From the director of The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile comes The Majestic, starring Jim Carrey as Peter Appleton, an ambitious Hollywood screenwriter in the 1950’s who has everything going for him... Until the FBI discover he attended a communist meeting during college and blacklist him.

Frank Darabont seems to be a master worker. Not only did he direct The Shawshank Redemption, which is considered one of the greatest films of all time (but you already knew that), but he also did The Green Mile, another heartbreaking yet riveting film starring Tom Hanks and the late great Michael Clarke Duncan. Whilst The Majestic doesn’t quite compare to those, I think it’s horrible that it never gets any similar praise. In my eyes, it’s a five-star film, a rating I give to all Darabont’s films (that I’ve seen).

This film will never get the attention it deserves - Fact. This film will never get the praise it deserves - Fact. But I trust all the readers of I’m With Geek to make sure it is appreciated and acknowledged in the way it deserves - Fact. A beautiful story, topped with amazing performances and gripping scenes, and one that should not be missed.
Check it out Friday 12th April on ITV1 (UK only) at 10:35. Let us know what you thought in the comments section below!