You don’t have to be a stoner to enjoy a stoner comedy; I wish some people would get that into their heads. The Harold and Kumar films are possibly the most famous of this genre. Now, it didn’t feel right to be making a statement like that when I hadn’t seen the movie. So with the help of LoveFilm Instant, I settled down and took part in one of the craziest comedies I’ve ever seen.
If you just read that and thought “that sounds like the stupidest movie ever” then you’re just like me. What put me off the movies were the ridiculous concepts but honestly, this is hilarious. The film is very stupid, but so stupid it’s brilliant. The ridiculousness of the situations never becomes tiresome, but almost feels like your own adventure. John Cho and Kal Penn both do great jobs as the main boys, with great cameos from the likes of Fred Willard and Ryan Reynolds.
So yeah, the plot is incredibly stupid, but pays off enough fun to keep you entertained, with an amazing supporting performance in tow. Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies is on at the unfortunately late time of 00:20 am tomorrow night (Thursday 26th September) on ITV2 (UK only), so if you’re still up give it a watch, or record it if you can!
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