Wish I Was Here follows the life of Aidan Bloom, (played by Braff) who is a struggling actor and a father to 2 children (portrayed by Joey King and Pierce Gagnon) and the husband of Sarah Bloom (Kate Hudson). The story follows Bloom amidst his mid-life crisis, in which he is trying to figure out his purpose in life, amongst the many dramas he faces. The trailer does a pretty good job of explaining the basic premise of the film, and King is particularly eye-catching, sporting a magenta wig after shaving off all her hair. But be warned, the film certainly looks like a real tear-jerker as well as having the moments of light relief, as the Bloom family are seen to go through a number of exciting and emotional journeys together. Surprisingly, the trailer is actually rather well put together, and it is certainly intriguing enough to leave you wanting to know more about the Blooms. Featuring beautiful sunsets and scenery to die for, Wish I Was Here certainly looks like a touching drama, and with Braff at the helm it seems like it will be certainly be one to watch when it hits cinemas later this year.
Wish I Was Here is set for release in certain parts of the USA on the 18th July, continuing to other areas in the USA on the 25th July, whilst it is set to hit cinemas in the UK on the 19th September.