The film tells the story ofyoung Jordan Belfort, an upstart broker, played by DiCaprio, his rise to power and the eventual corruption of it all. It is filmed by Martin Scorsese, his and DiCaprio's fifth collaboration, and is written by Terence Winter. The film co stars Jonah Hill and Matthew McConaughey.
The real scene stealer in the trailer has to be Jonah Hill. Though Hill seems to be typecasted into the lovable sidekick roles in the dramatic roles he takes, and even some of the comedies, he isn't the headliner in. He takes those roles and soars with them. His ability to go from comedies to dramas is outstanding and he stands out amongst the cast as someone to watch.
Scorsese's film has the ability to highlight the roles of its actors, showcasing DiCaprio and Hill and the dynamic between the two. Yet another film coming to us soon that looks worthwhile, and another film to put Scorsese and DiCaprio on the top of the list.