The music sets the tone, it’s intense, simple and it just heightens your senses and keeps you on edge. This online trailer is just proving to the public that there is room for action and martial art films that have a solid plot, as well as wonderfully orchestrated fight sequences. The Raid 2 is going to be one hell of a ride, and if anything it’s going to kick you in the gut and say to you “You enjoy that? Well you haven’t seen shit yet!” A thought that may be coming into people’s minds are “Is this going to be a huge let down?” - and to that I reply with “FUCK NO”. Just this trailer alone plays out like many scenes in my head that I have always wanted to see on film…and now that I have just had a sweet taste of this delicious nectar I just can’t help but be pulled in because this is what I have always wanted. As an audience and lovers of films, we need films like The Raid 2! You may be wondering “What the hell for?” - well you need films like The Raid 2 because they grab your attention. A hammer to the face isn’t just a hammer to the face when it comes to this film, instead it’s saying “I want you to feel every part of your body shatter while keeping your eyes fixed on me and the sheer brutality that I will continue to cause you”. The violence isn’t just violence, it’s an emotion, a dark, vicious emotion that will make your jaw drop.
The thing that is so exciting, about this electric aura surrounding The Raid 2 is the fact that people know that this will be violent, and very well crafted but no one is going to be prepared for what is inside this Pandora’s box of action and martial arts treats. This trailer doesn’t focus on the plot of any kind, instead it just screams “WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE WHAT EVER OPINION YOU HAD ON THESE KINDS OF FILMS, AND YOU ARE GOING TO FUCKING LOVE EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT”.