The film explores a plight of those living in wreckage and a glimpse as to how broken the fish industry has become. Although there isn’t any violence, nudity or curse words in the film, the movie gives viewers something really engaging to laugh about. It gives viewers an eye opener as to how great of a community these characters are, and ways of how people should act towards one another. Each character gives viewers the depth of their sensational humour of how appreciative they are towards their village.
What it shows is how the residents are willing to overcome any obstacles in order to achieve their leverage of saving Ste – Marie – la – Mauderne. The brilliant cast are no other then, Taylor Kitsch as Dr. Lewis, Brendan Gleeson as Murray French, Liane Balaban as Kathleen, Gordon Pinsent as Simon, Mark Critch as Henry Tilly, Anna Hopkins as Helen, and finally Rhonda Rodgers as Samantha. It looks like an intense and incredible drama that truly captivates the spirit of isolation.