Written and directed by The Bourne Legacy’s Dan Gilroy, Nightcrawler is a crime-thriller centering on Lou Bloom (Gyllenhaal), an extremely driven man looking for a career he can really sink his teeth into. He eventually stumbles upon the underground world of Los Angeles freelance crime journalism and his morals are quickly compromised when he takes a huge leap from ambitious, to dangerously ambitious.
The 33-year-old actor lost an estimated 20 pounds for the role to make him extra creepy and bug-eyed as an obsessive and aggressive TV reporter. Taking on some method acting, Gyllenhaal was famously forced to get stiches in his hand after violently punching a mirror during the filming of an intense scene which is glimpsed in the below trailer.
The first official trailer takes place almost entirely at night with Bloom’s voice over explaining that he needs a job and that he is a ‘hard worker’ while approaching a crime scene. He goes on to explain that he believes that ‘good things come to those who work their asses off. And that good people who reach the top of the mountain didn’t just fall there.’
It’s not long before Gyllenhall takes things too far and tests his limits as he is seen slamming his hands against a mirror and crying out “If you want to win the lottery, you have to make the money to buy the ticket,” repeatedly before showing him looking surprisingly calm sitting in an anchors chair on the TV. Each delivery of the line steadily increases intensity until it is physically uncomfortable to hear.
Open Road Films has released the first trailer for upcoming thriller Nighcrawler, which also stars Rene Russo, Bill Paxton and Riz Ahmed. The movie will make its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival this September and be released in the UK in the following months. Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!