After watching The Drop, I had to go back and watch the trailer for the film, and I realised that the film that the trailer had promised didn’t show up. The trailer for The Drop portrayed a dark and gritty tale of respect and revenge as Tom Hardy and James Gandolfini find out who stole from them while having to deal with a dangerous man in Matthias Schoenaerts. Strangely though, we don’t get that sort of film. The first half does have that gritty feel, especially when you see someone’s ankle drilled into the floor of a van, but as the film progresses the darkness of the film disappears. They seem to have missed a step particularly in the third act of the film and it just leaves you with a feeling of “What did I just watch?”

In The Drop, a number of actors have their moments to shine, while others are still having trouble trying to crack American films. Tom Hardy is great as the most relaxed bartender in the world. No matter how difficult situations get in the film, Bob is determine to do his job, which isn’t just bartending. He holds his own with the other actors, especially with Gandolfini, and shows what a great actor Hardy really is, although I did have trouble with Hardy’s accent. I’ve met a few New Yorkers and none of them spoke as softly as Hardy does in The Drop. Matthias Schoenaerts works perfectly as Eric Deeds, who is portrayed as a dangerous man but is really a man caught up in his own hype. He does have an eerie aura to him and you know that he is a dangerous man if you cross him, even if it’s over small things, like a dog. Noomi Rapace again sadly struggles to hold her own in an American film. While she fits the character of Nadia well, she isn’t used to great effect, but this is down to poor writing for her character.

The performances of The Drop are great, focusing the film more on people’s perception on their own status works better and it’s the perfect goodbye to Gandolfini, so what’s wrong with this film? Why don’t you leave the cinema thinking this is the best film around? After really thinking about it, I think it comes back to that trailer. The Drop is presented as one thing when it is really something different, and at times there are moments when the film itself can’t decide what it is. Is it a drama, a thriller or even a comedy at selected times? You can’t seem to wrap your head around it and you don’t know what sort of film you have just watched and that’s the problem with The Drop. Is it essential that you rush down to your local cinema to watch The Drop? No, but it is still a good watch. It’s not a perfect film, but it is enjoyable and the perfect way to goodbye to James Gandolfini.