Yes folks “everything is awesome,” when the up and coming 3D animated, adventure comedy film, The Lego Movie, is released on screen this week on February 14th 2014.
This is a friendly sort of film that embraces the wonderful colours of Lego’s as well as given viewers the insight as to how our favourite childhood toys live in a universe constructed by rules and policy. Although, it seems like a children film, judging from the trailer the film seems to appeal a lot more to adults.

When he becomes drafted into a fellowship filled with strangers on an epic quest to defeat evil tyrant, Emmet finds himself on a journey for which he is underprepared. With the help of an old wizard named Vitruvius and a tough young woman named Wyldstyle. Batman, Uni – Kitty, Benny, and a pirate named Metalbeard; Emmet will have to unlearn his rule following instructions in order to learn the powers of imagination, which would be his only way to conquer the evil tyrant Lord Business, whose aim is to destroy the Lego universe so that he could recreate a new firm where he sees fits.

Un – Kitty who is played by Alison Brie, her character is basically a moderation of an activist who is against Government policy. Metalbeard, who is played by Nick Offermen, is a pirate who seeks revenge on Lord Business for taking his body parts. Benny whose character is played by Chris Miller is also portrayed as a “1980 – something space guy,” where he eventually becomes friends with Emmet. Bad/Good Cop is played by Liam Neeson who is a police officer with a split personality, and is also a member of the Super Secret Police. And lastly, Lord Business, who is played by Will Ferrell, where he is considered as an evil businessman and tyrant of the Lego Universe who has a second form of President Business.
Directed and co – written by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, this film explores the uniqueness of characterisation in which each individual goes through their own conflict. But yet are able to come together and resolve their issues through destroying the very own evil tyrant Lord Business. The films itself is remarkable, though something like this has never been made, the trailer keeps viewers desperately wanting to see more.