A few weeks ago I had the fantastic opportunity to watch and review a great independent film called Benny Loves Killing, produced in 2012 by Look/Think Films. I now have some more news about this gem of a film, so keep reading!

I enjoyed it immensely, and have even gotten family members to want to watch it after writing my full-length Must See Movies review, which can be found here. I was not the only one to rate Benny Loves Killing highly on my list of top indie movies, as it has received numerous reviews and recommendations, and most recently, it has been confirmed that Benny Loves Killing will be included in the 2014 American Online Film Awards Festival which commence in two days, on the 1st May.

So, the more people that buy a ticket (which only costs $4 for you to see all of the films in the Spring Showcase, can you resist?) and review Benny Loves Killing, the more likely Look/Think Films will be heading to The Big Apple and scooping an award for the beauty that is Benny Loves Killing.
So now that you all know what your next two weeks will entail, let’s see if we can help Benny win some awards. I know that it’s not for one of her own films, but I’m sure she won’t mind if Look/Think Films won something for showcasing her in one of their own!
Don’t miss your chance to get your hands on a discounted ticket to watch all of the movies in the Spring Showcase here for only $4. You can watch Benny Loves Killing now here.