Starring Robin Wright and Harvey Keitel, The Congress is a French-Isreali Live Action and Animated film that is finally getting it's UK release. Centring on Robin Wright and her somewhat fictional life, The Congress sees her digitally scanned and upgraded so that studio owners can use her whenever they desire and she is free to look after her daughter and almost deaf son. However, years later, she finds that the world of animation and cinema has expanded into real life and people are able to take on any form they wish, but what does this experience cost? And when Wright is caught in an uprising, how will she survive inhabiting a cartoon.
Now there are loads of Hollywood icons distorted in this glorious film and it really depends on This wonderful clip sees Ari Folman and his band of artists make fun of a hilarious Hollywood actor. Mainly portraying him with massive teeth and a generous spirit, using his time away to help African kids with UNICEF. However, what is scary ere is hat he and Robin Wright are the only ones left as the rest have disappeared, what control did they have.
The Congress is out Friday.