What would you do if that one crazy tequila fuelled idea you had to make a home porno was in danger of being plastered all over the web? Well it's safe to say you would probably do everything in your power to try and stop said video being uploaded - and this is exactly what Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) do in latest comedy Sex Tape.

From the film’s title nudity may be expected but it's more or less insinuated and very much done just to gain a comedic effect. It seems that the filmmakers were using the same jokes repeatedly, that the first couple of times tickled you but began to wear off pretty quickly. Of course, there are funny moments which will make you laugh out loud, but what do you expect from the How I met your Mother star? Both Diaz and Segel bring their A-game when it comes to delivering a comedy script, as well as Rob Corddry (Robby) and Ellie Kemper (Tess) as their close friends who end up helping them hunt down the video.

Consequently, apart from being a run-of-the-mill comedy Sex Tape is essentially outlining people’s fascination with porn and sex. A subject that film is certainly familiar with, as well as exploring the somewhat tabooed message about sex going out the window when you get married. It seems as if they were trying to get a message across, but let’s face it Sex Tape is all about getting down and making time to do the dirty.
A mindless film that will make you laugh but doesn’t offer anything new to the comedy genre that we haven’t seen before. Sex Tape is in cinemas in cinemas now!