If you had the chance to score millions of pounds would you do it?
Of course you would! Well, what if I told you that to get to that cash you had to commit a few petty crimes. Not too hefty, just car-jacking the rich of their billions.
Ok so some of you would. Well, what if I told you that you had to go to Miami to con high end jewellers, Princes and socialites out of their bucks?
Would you do that?

“I do want to use the film to help children and especially my children chose the right path and mentor them with it,” Ahmed continues, who served three years for his crimes and assures he is clean. “It doesn’t have a happy ending because I didn’t. I’ve been married four times and have five kids. Hopefully, people will learn that from my experience and Plastic. ”
The front guy for our film couldn’t be any more different from Ahemd. Previously featured on delightful English television show Downtown Abbey, Ed Speleers’ plays Sam, the brains behind the operation. “I want to be wary saying he’s the leader,” he states talking about his character, “you know, he’s been running heists for a while. But because of Yatesey’s (played by Alfie Allen in the film,) he has to rectify it.”
People may recognise Speleers’ from the aforementioned show or from his early roles in Eragon. Growing up with the acting bug, Speleers’ very wary to not let it get to his head, “I am very lucky to do what I do. It’s a real joy, a good cast and a brilliant experience helping each other out.”
Plastic sees London youngsters tackle it out in America. Taking the gang over to Miami, Speelers and co must have enjoyed the lavish city, “Miami is an interesting place with quite a lot going on.”
It seems Speleers may have a lot going on here as his fan base are huge, he can’t even avoid them in the press pen. He’s quickly ushered away…

With his trajectory on the rise even more so, there must have been something very special about Plastic that attracted him to the role and the heist genre. “Me and Ed were just talking about this. He didn’t go to University and I did a year so we never had those money issues and ideas like this. I guess it shines a light on the youth struggling today. We all had to hustle in University, cooking burgers and selling them in your garden.”
While the image of a pinafore clad Poulter, selling hot snacks from his garden like an adhoc McDonalds is one to muse on, he does genuinely believe that the film will encourage people to look for ideas to get money (but maybe not crime.)
Heist movies such as Plastic are a popular genre, (although don’t tell that to Mem Ferda who plays Tariq because they aren’t his favourites. "I do love Reservoir Dogs though.")
Poulter says his favourite is Matchstick Men, alluding the twist to Plastics one (and impressing this head over heels editor.) “Nicolas Cage, Sam Rockwell, I hope it counts as heist but it is a straight up brilliant con.”
Poulter looks set to take over the world this year with Kids in Love, The Maze Runner and Glassland with Toni Collete and Michael Smiley. For now, he is still a humble and lovely actor who is grounded while the madhouse of Hollywood beckons him.

Though, they did keep him away from the expenses.
It’s not only the first premiere for Gateway, it is also supporting star Sebastian De Souza, who you may recognise as Matty from Skins. Not only is this his first premiere, it’s his first film. “It’s exciting and really nice. It’s like a big shop in a way (the premiere.) I enjoyed making the film but you never dream of it being like this”
With some pretty big names on the roster with De Souza, Plastic has a very young vibe. “It’s good,” he says he has also penned another youth centred film Kids In Love to be released later that year. “There weren’t any old people around, wanting to sleep early.”
Here that youth of today, Plastic is a film for you.
It’s now showing in cinemas.
What would you do to do see it?