Over the years, it seems like most short films have to be dark and brooding to get across an important message, but Lian Furness’ Pebble Moon proves that you can be serious while still having some fun.
Set in a small seaside town, Pebble Moon focuses on a small girl called Lily telling the story of her two fathers, Arthur and Charlie. She chronicles the ups and downs of her life without really understanding the problems going on around her but happily lives in her own little world. Pebble Moon deals with difficult issues like gay marriages, the idea of two guys raising a child together without the mother and what happens when the mother returns. As an adult you understand everything going on very clearly, but seeing it through the eyes of a child is a refreshing take.
Pebble Moon does portray an important message. What I took away from it was not being afraid to be who want to be and never let anyone stand in your way of happiness. In this short, it’s Lily being happy with the life she has with her two dads and not needing a mother to be complete. The character probably doesn’t understand too well about people being gay, but that doesn’t really matter to her. Pebble Moon is exactly what a short should be, sweet and short and is the perfect short to watch if you’ve seen one too many dark and brooding shorts. It’s a refreshing take on modern life and relationships that is hugely entertaining.
Pebble Moon will be making it's way around festivals. Check them out on Twitter!