One of the biggest leaks this week to not involve a naked celebrity is a picture of Jesse Eisenberg on set, but is this the new look for Lex Luthor? Eisenberg is playing the arch-villain in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, which is being filmed at the moment. The picture was taken by a fan of Eisenberg who then posted the picture on their Twitter page, which has lead to many people speculating that this is the new look for Lex Luthor. First thing first, yes he isn’t bald, but anyone who knows the history of Superman knows that Lex did have hair before going bald. But the interesting fact about his hair there is that it’s red, which the same colour Lex has before losing his hair.
But another question going around is whether this is Eisenberg’s hair or a wig? Some people have said that it could be his real hair and they’ve just dyed and straighten his hair. But I think it’s a wig. Anyone who has seen what Jesse Eisenberg looks like knows that he has quite curly hair. It seems odd that they would give him a hair cut so different from his normal hair that they would have to constantly work on it. Plus if you look at the hairline, it’s too high. My best guess is that this scene is either early on in the film or a flashback. But Snyder hasn’t confirmed yet whether Lex will be bald in this film, he could lose his hair later in the film or in the next film. At this point we don’t know. Either way I think this is an interesting direction to go and I really hope Eisenberg is able to pull something out of the bag in his role as Lex Luthor.