One of the most recent and popular debates movie-wise has come to an end. Star Wars Episode VII finally has a release date: December 18th, 2015.
We leave behind months of speculation, with most people betting on May 25th, International Star Wars Day, or May 4th, or any other day in May, which is, and always has been the month for Star Wars.

It gathers more than 30.000 fans, coming to meet the actors and crew, buy the coolest and newest merchandise, participate in the best costume contest...
They are really a "must" for any true fan of the Wars.
Next one, in April 2015, was to be particularly appealing, taking place in Anaheim (where Disneyland is located), being organised by Disney, and so close to the "possible" release of the new Episode.
Now the release has been push back to Christmas, perhaps restraining some fans travelling to L.A. This humble writer will not be one of those, and will attend (and report) this amazing and "not to be missed" convention.
The official statement from Lucasfilm explains that the reason for the Christmas release has been due to support the "holiday season" and also to "have more time to deliver a sensational picture".

Changing writers in the middle of the writing process is not uncommon in Film Industry, but definitely had something to do with this late release.
Rumour has it that the spring/summer release of The Avengers: Age of Ultron may had something to do as well at the heart of Disney´s offices. It would have been two close releases for the hugest Disney movies in a long time. And now, it makes much more sense to have one in spring and the other in Christmas, taking over the box office during the whole year. A cunning move for Disney, specially in a year full of blockbuster, like the Batman vs Superman awaited movie.
There is no doubt that Star Wars Episode VII is running at full speed now, with John Williams returning to score the saga, thousand of people being cast all over the world (UK at this very moment), and the official confirmation from Lucasfilm and Walt Disney Studios that shooting will start in spring 2014 at Pinewood Studios.
What do you think? Were you hoping for Star Wars to have been released on its traditional dates? Are you one of those who think that they should take as long as they need if the movie end up being great? Did you attend one of the auditions? Let us know!